


拥有St. 爱德华。s, you’ll develop a toolkit of skills that make you a versatile contributor to any business environment.

你将学习商业的各个方面:会计, 管理, 市场营销, 金融, 全球商业问题和社会责任. 学会合作和团队合作. 向一群人自如地展示你的想法. Understand how to think critically and make smart, ethical business decisions.

毕业后, 自己创业, or consider a range of job options with companies and organizations seeking candidates with a solid grounding in business. 从事销售、酒店、银行或IT管理方面的工作. Live abroad and work for an international company, or apply your skills at a nonprofit. 有了工商管理学位,你就有了选择 以及你成功所需要的技能.

为什么在圣. 爱德华的?

Whether your sights are set on launching a startup or rising through the ranks of a company to become a CEO, 有一件事是肯定的:你的优势St. 爱德华的教育将为你的成功做好准备. You’ll find opportunities in and outside the classroom to learn, give back and achieve your goals. 你的导师会支持你前进的每一步. 


Learn in small classes taught by award-winning professors with years of real-world experience and connections. 他们会了解你的, 帮助你确定并专注于你的目标, 支持你建立关系网, 并在你大学期间和毕业后提供指导和见解. 


体验式学习的机会, 证书和实习让你沉浸在专业的世界里. 比尔·蒙迪商学院 has partnerships with Austin organizations that open doors to the city’s exciting startup and social entrepreneurship culture.


Connect with fellow students who, like you, aim to make their mark in the business world. Business-focused student organizations like the Delta Mu Delta National Honor Society and Sigma fraternity offer a great way to network, 合作学习.



Austin is a state capital, one of the fastest-growing technology and entrepreneurship hubs in the U.S.这里有近100家财富500强企业. 我们在奥斯汀的位置, partnerships and connections open doors to a dynamic business environment that’s ideal for internships and applying your skills in the industry of your choice. 


工商管理 majors go on to a variety of careers and graduate schools from St. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子.

  • Co-founder of XELPHAhealth, a patient-centric, clinically focused healthcare engagement hub
  • 奥斯汀一家广告公司T3的创新总监
  • 德州环境质量委员会的人力资源专家
  • WP Engine客户体验数据分析师
  • 丰田音乐工厂的推广协调员
  • 普华永道助理顾问

Students who complete a bachelor’s degree in 工商管理 can apply for a 工商管理硕士(MBA) 在获得至少两年的工作经验后.


The BBA in 工商管理 requires 69 hours of major coursework.

All majors require 44 hours of general education that students complete over four years, 除了他们的专业课程.

View and download the full degree plan for our 工商管理 major (PDF).


  • 国际工商管理 与团队合作,研究当前的商业环境, and gain an understanding of the business ethics and concepts used in developed versus developing nations.
  • 战略商业分析与实践 -学会收集、分析和使用数据来制定执行决策. This course examines business practice from the executive team’s perspective.
  • 实习 -参加公共或私人活动, 已付或未付, 组织实习, and reflect on the experience by demonstrating your accomplishments and development of skills.

工商管理专业. 爱德华的完整实习, take advantage of the Munday 学校 of Business’ close connections with Austin organizations and earn valuable certifications that give them an edge.


在企业社会责任课程中, you’ll participate in a service activity in the community and write a paper about the experience. You’ll also work in a team to create a new product or service for a company that will meet a social need for an underserved community.

在组织行为学和领导团队课程中, students work in teams to interview top leaders in local businesses and non-profit organizations. In addition to learning about leadership and building their networks, 学生们制定计划来发展自己的领导技能.

St. 爱德华大学校园里有一台彭博终端, and you can earn a Bloomberg Certification to boost your skill set and marketability. 八小时的, 彭博市场概念自学课程涵盖经济学, 固定收益, equities and currencies; how to use the Terminal; and portfolio 管理. 包括彭博认证或@bloomberg.net email address on your resume and LinkedIn profile shows prospective employers you know how to use the Terminal.


毕业前至少要完成一次实习. 最近几个学期, 工商管理 majors have completed internships at the following organizations:

  • U.S. 驻墨西哥城大使馆
  • 城市空间室内和房地产
  • ad朗讯数字营销机构
  • 奥斯丁俱乐部
  • CrowdStrike
  • 戴尔
  • 德州仪器公司
  • NXP半导体
  • 参观奥斯汀会议服务
  • 泛美金融顾问公司
  • Pearl 事件 Austin, which specializes in weddings and social and corporate functions
  • 德克萨斯国际教育联盟
  • OpenStack基金会


Sigma AACSB认证的商学院是国际荣誉协会吗.

Sigma is the coed business fraternity that is both a professional and social club. 50多年来,它一直是山顶上的重要存在. 最近几个学期 members have attended a panel presentation about digital 市场营销 and a talk about real estate investment careers; traveled to a leadership conference in Kansas City; networked at a happy hour with alumni; and made sandwiches for people living on the street.

Develop your startup ideas with the help of a professional mentor and practice pitching them at the iChallenge Innovators’ Summit, 挑战赛, 以及商业计划推介大赛.


This minor is designed for all students majoring in degrees outside of 比尔·蒙迪商学院 as a way to enhance their business knowledge and skill set.


  • 商业定量方法-数学1312  
  • 商务入门-BUSI 1301 


  • 财务会计-会计2301 
  • 市场分析原理-经济学2301  
  • 货币与市场-经济学2302  
  • 商业统计- BUSI 2305  
  • 创业入门- ENTR 2301 


  • 社会企业- BUSI 3322 
  • 谈判的艺术与科学- BUSI 3324 
  • 项目管理- BUSI 3326
  • 企业的社会责任- BUSI 3328 
  • 商务通讯- BUSI 3330 
  • 人力资源管理- MGMT 3332
  • 组织行为学/领导团队和组织- MGMT 3334
  • 国际管理- MGMT 3338
  • 操作原理(前提条件为BUSI 2305) -MGMT 3340
  • 商业智能(BUSI 2305是先决条件)- BUSI 3333
  • 专题- BUSI 3399
  • 国际商务- IBUS 4380


Students interested in a quantitative or operations track can choose Business Statistics (BUSI 2305), 商业智能(BUSI 3333), 和操作原则(MGMT 3340).

你现在是学生吗? 联系你的导师 在接下来的步骤中声明你的主修或辅修.

Our 工商管理 faculty members have a broad range of business experience, which informs their teaching and provides a balance between theory and practice. Faculty members have students consult with organizations in the Austin area on real-world projects that encourage teamwork and problem-solving.

凯瑟琳·威尔管理学教授他知道,做生意不仅仅是为了钱. 她教授领导力和社会责任课程. 她给毕业生的建议?

"Identify your own values first; then find a company that shares those values. 寻找一个目标超越利润的组织. 它的战略应该包括人、地球和利润."