
Writing and Rhetoric

Literature, Writing and Rhetoric




Why earn your Writing and Rhetoric degree at St. 爱德华的?

Austin is packed with opportunities for strong writers. Intern with an award-winning advertising agency, 该政策研究组织正在分析德克萨斯州立法会议期间的法案, 或者是众多报道新闻和介绍首都令人难以置信的人物的出版物之一. You’ll also learn from experienced, 充满激情的, 以及在专业期刊上发表论文的教师, short-story collections, 书, newspapers and more. 

Learn from published authors

Hosted by the 学校 of Arts and Humanities, the Marcia Kinsey 访问ing Writers Series brings poets, 小说家, 剧作家和散文家到校园里朗读他们的作品,并与学生们讨论写作的过程. 之前的访问作家包括普利策奖得主杰里科·布朗, Jonathan Safran Foer, Naomi Shihab Nye, 还有更多.

Collaborate with avid readers

A fully student-run organization, 书套文学俱乐部聚集学生分享关于书籍和写作想法的对话. 学生们还聚在一起阅读和表演彼此的作品,并邀请演讲者讨论文学和写作专业的实习和工作机会. 该俱乐部还分享即将在校园和当地书店举行的文学活动的信息.

Get published on the hilltop

If you have a love for poetry and prose, a desire to report news, or an itch for comedy writing, 山顶上可能有一本出版物在等着你! Submit a piece to or join the editorial staff of Sorin Oak评论, St. 爱德华的文学杂志,展示学生的诗歌、散文和艺术作品. 阿雷特 是学生制作的学术期刊,发表学生写的研究和非小说类文章吗. Inspired by our Hilltopper goat mascot, B. 臌胀 是一本学生幽默杂志,经常出现在学生报纸上, 山顶的观点. 这份屡获殊荣的印刷和在线报纸欢迎来自校园各地的创意人士.


Reap the Rewards of Austin

你将有很多机会在图书出版界实习, 在媒体, and on communications teams for businesses and nonprofits. St. 爱德华的学生最近在德州图书节实习, 库特广播, Community Impact 新闻paper, 德州每月, 奥斯汀纪事报, KXAN-TV, 写作中心, Austin Film Festival 还有更多. 

What do our graduates do?

写作和修辞学专业的学生可以从事各种各样的职业,也可以从圣. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子:

  • Technical writer at Amazon Publisher Services
  • Communication chief in the Dallas Mayor’s Office
  • Content strategist for IBM
  • Information specialist for the American Cancer Society
  • 雪城大学纽豪斯新闻学院研究生
  • Assistant Editor at Better 首页s & 花园
  • Editor for the Texas Legislative Council
  • Reporter at the Houston Chronicle
  • Grant Writer for the City of Brownsville

Explore Details 关于 the BA in Writing and Rhetoric


1. 创意写作

创意写作 offers courses from traditional genres such as poetry, 小说, 非小说类, playwriting and writing for stage screen, as well as writing in emerging and hybrid genres. 我们的创意写作教师由屡获殊荣的工作艺术家领导. In addition to traditional workshop-based writing courses, 这一集中包括文学和专业写作课程,以创造定制的写作经验和广泛的技能.

  • Major Requirements: 36 hours of major courses plus electives.
  • 一般 Education Requirements: 34 hours of general education courses.

View and download the full degree plan the 创意写作 concentration (PDF).


2. Professional Writing

的 Professional Writing 跟踪为学生提供及时的经验,他们可以在就业市场上应用. 的 professional writing faculty, 谁的经验从法庭到会议室都有, 帮助学生发展一系列技能和解决问题的策略. Students can choose coursework in editing, 杂志写作, advertising and public relations, and technical and business writing, as well as courses in journalism and creative writing. 

  • Major Requirements: 33 hours of major courses plus electives.
  • 一般 Education Requirements: 34 of general education courses.

View and download the full degree plan for the Professional Writing concentration (PDF).


3. Journalism and Digital Media

的 Journalism and Digital Media track offers courses in reporting and writing news, digital media production and design, copyediting and media standards. 学生可以选择新闻和数字媒体各个领域的额外课程, including 杂志写作, 意见写, broadcast journalism, documentary production, entertainment writing, 和体育新闻的写作. 从事新闻和数字媒体工作的人需要很强的写作和研究技能. 公共关系和商业专业人士从学习清晰的品牌沟通中受益, 市场营销, and pitching new ideas.

  • Major Requirements: 36 hours major courses plus electives.
  • 一般 Education Requirements: 34 hours of general education courses

View and download the 新闻和数字媒体专业的完整学位计划 (PDF).


4. 一般

的 一般 Track是为那些寻求发展自己作为作家和学者的多功能性的学生准备的. With a solid foundation in grammar, style, and rhetorical theory, 学生可以选择自定义学习课程,包括法律写作课程, Entertainment Journalism, 格兰特写作, 或幽默写作. 


  • Major Requirements: 24 hours of major courses plus electives.
  • 一般 Education Requirements: 34 hours of general education courses.

View and download the full degree plan for the 一般 concentration (PDF).

A few examples of courses students take in the major.

  • In Grant Proposal Writing, 你将选择一个奥斯汀地区的非营利组织来帮助申请拨款. 你的班级将访问基金会图书馆寻找资助者, 选择一个与你的非营利组织的使命相匹配的基金会, and write a grant proposal. 许多学生已经成功地为他们的事业赢得了高达7.5万美元的资金. 
  • 技术写作 能帮助你在任何专业环境中清晰地表达复杂的想法吗. 您将进行可用性测试,并了解通用设计原则,以提高英语学习者和有身体和神经差异的用户的可访问性.  你将带着专业的写作样本离开课程,你可以用它来申请奖学金, internships and employment opportunities.
  • In Career Preparation, you’ll network with alumni from across the country, curate a personal branding and e-portfolio, and learn about graduate programs and freelancing. 你还将与来自不同专业写作领域的雇主一起“深度潜水”. 的se guest speakers are in a position to hire, 他们解释了他们组织的历史和使命, what the workplace culture is like, and what a strong application looks like. 以前的演讲者包括来自国家仪器公司和大奥斯汀西班牙裔商会的工作人员. 

What you will learn.

作为一名竞选演讲稿撰写人,培养你说服听众的能力, an advocate for policy changes, or a 市场营销 copywriter. 学习数字技术和技能,为你在新闻编辑室和其他媒体工作做好准备. 训练你的编辑注意错误并改进文章. Use your skills to make the world a better place, 通过为非营利组织撰写文案或赢得赠款,让他们扩大自己的使命. 你的课程是为了帮助你在现实世界中完善你的写作技巧和练习写作.

Skills you will gain.

Upon completing the Writing & Rhetoric program, you’ll be ready to:

  • 向不同的受众清晰地传达复杂的信息;
  • 自信地运用你丰富的语法和文体知识;
  • Market and pitch original ideas;
  • Support statements using trustworthy sources;
  • Conduct in-depth research;
  • Professionally provide and accept feedback;
  • Share your writing using a variety of formats;