在圣的一天. 爱德华在法国


在一个典型的工作日晚上, 斯蒂芬·雷耶斯,21岁 eats dinner with his host family in Angers, 法国. Everyone reports on their day: Reyes; his host parents, 苏菲 和 Romain; 和 their 12-year-old twins, 奥古斯丁和阿纳托利. The conversation begins in French but occasionally me和ers into English or Spanish if Reyes is having trouble keeping up. After dinner everyone gathers in the living room to play cards or dominoes.

Reyes considers his host family vital to his study abroad experience at Université Catholique de l’Ouest ― the St. 爱德华的 flagship partner university in Angers, 法国. “They have welcomed me with open arms,” says the 国际业务数字媒体管理 主要的. “我把他们当作我的第二个家人.”

In addition to French, Reyes is taking Culinary 和 Economic Botany with Professor of Biology 比尔奎因. 这个班参观了当地的花园, 葡萄园,甚至是“穴居人”,” caves in the Loire Valley where locals cultivate mushrooms. In his Intercultural Communication course, taught by Professor of Business Communication 凯瑟琳·麦克德莫特谋杀北爱皇家, 他研究过法国经济, the country’s attitudes toward the environment 和 its business practices. “We talk about how to adapt to other cultures to be successful abroad,” Reyes says.


The French have no qualms about talking politics with people they’ve just met, 雷耶斯说一开始很不舒服. “每个法国学生, 你遇到的每一个法国人, 他们总是问, “你觉得你们的总统怎么样??’”他说. “他们喜欢谈论它.” Now he starts his day with a political discussion over breakfast. Almost every morning Reyes is joined by his host mother, 苏菲, who’s already listened to the day’s news on the radio 和 asks him for his perspective.

Reyes has adapted to another French practice: the two-hour lunch break. Accustomed to eating quickly between classes, he initially marveled at the Universite Catholique de l’Ouest students who lingered over s和wiches in the park. Now he takes advantage of the break 和 rides the bus from campus into downtown for lunch at his favorite café, 肉馅卷饼工厂. The owner, Camille, starts making his regular order as soon as he comes in the door.

On the weekends, Reyes explores other parts of 法国. 32街. 爱德华的 students have traveled together to Omaha Beach 和 the American cemetery in Norm和y; the port city of St. Malo; 和 the gothic abbey on the tidal isl和 Mont-Saint-Michel. 雷耶斯和他最好的朋友, 梅尔文, 你去过巴黎和附近的南特吗, where his host family’s older children attend college.

Reyes says his time in Angers has helped him feel more open-minded, responsible 和 confident. “I was too shy to participate in class my freshman year, but now I have confidence to voice my opinions to my professors,他说.



Breakfast is usually bread with Nutella or butter 和 jam, plus a pot of tea. 


雷耶斯的接待母亲, 苏菲, 每天早上和他一起吃早餐, 他们还会讨论当天的政治新闻.


在客厅里, 雷耶斯回复邮件, 查看他当天的日程安排, 和 checks the news from home in the Austin Business Journal.


Reyes’ host family lives an easy 5-minute walk from the Universite Catholique d’le Ouest campus.


In Professor of Business Communication 凯瑟琳·麦克德莫特谋杀北爱皇家’s Intercultural Communication class, Reyes learns how to adapt to other countries’ business environments.

雷耶斯和他的同学林伍德, Daniel 和 Dariela sitting on steps

雷耶斯和他的同学林伍德, Daniel 和 Dariela go over their resumes 和 mock interviews for Business Communication.


The owner of 肉馅卷饼工厂 starts preparing Reyes’ order — a Mexicano 和 a Carne Picante — as soon as he walks in the door with his friend 梅尔文.


Riding the bus 和 tram in Angers has opened Reyes’ eyes to the environmental benefits of public transit — despite the frequent strikes by French transit workers.

reyes 和 classmates visit the botanical garden

Reyes’ Culinary 和 Economic Botany class has visited botanical gardens, vineyards 和 caves where mushrooms are grown.


After class, Reyes walks back to his host family’s spacious home.


Reyes eats dinner with his host family three times a week, 和 after dinner everyone plays cards or board games.

reyes poses for a picture with his host family in the living room

When his host mother’s relatives come to visit, Reyes is included in the meal 和 conversation, 就像家庭成员一样.


约书亚·里奥斯(Joshua Rios)摄影, 生物学专业
Rios has a passion for science 和 photography. 看看他是如何在圣. 爱德华的.




St. 爱德华的 has study-abroad exchange programs with more than 20 universities across the globe. Université Catholique de l’Ouest (UCO) is our flagship partner university in Angers, 法国, 大约有12个宿主,000 students from 60+ countries each year. 圣乔治大学的学生和教授. 爱德华的 can spend a summer, semester or year studying 和 teaching in Angers.