A Legacy of Faith, Courage and Service

Throughout the 2020–2021 academic year, St. 爱德华大学与整个圣十字家族一起庆祝圣十字兄弟会成立200周年. Joseph and their founder, Father Jacques-François Dujarié, 谁奠定了圣十字教育使命的基础,我们有幸在圣. Edward’s.

Holy Cross has grown over the years, today serving and ministering in parishes, providing social services to the poor and marginalized, and furthering Catholic education, which includes 128 schools, colleges and universities in 18 countries. Although the credit is given to Blessed Basil Moreau, who was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI in 2007, 他的成功得益于他的前任的远见和努力, the courageous missionary priest, Father Jacques Dujarié.

Surviving a Time of Terror

1789年法国大革命爆发时,杜雅里奥正在学习成为一名牧师. 在这一年里,我们的国家和世界亲眼目睹了一场全球性流行病的肆虐, racial injustice, socioeconomic disparities, war, famine, devastating natural disasters, and political and ideological divisions in our country, 想象一下18世纪末和19世纪初饱受战争蹂躏的法国是什么样子. 对法国人来说,这是一个极度混乱和恐怖的黑暗时期. 尽管教会在法国是一股强大的力量, 消灭旧的财产所有权和权威制度的革命冲动几乎摧毁了它. Church property was seized and schools were closed. Clergy and religious leaders were exiled or executed, and for a period, the practice of Christianity was banned. Even the Pope was imprisoned.

Ministering with Fearless Zeal 

正是在这段时间里,dujari被秘密任命为牧师,并开始庆祝弥撒,作为“地下”教会的一部分. Moving constantly, hiding with families, sleeping in cellars and barns, working as a weaver, and disguising himself as a lemonade vendor, 他保护了自己的身份,同时仍然安排与那些需要圣事和牧灵服务的人沟通和回应. Brother Joel Giallanza, CSC, 他写道,dujari对神职的思考和形成是在法国大革命最黑暗的时刻发展起来的,当时在断头台上失去一个人的头是一种真实而经常的可能性.”* 

Reviving the Church, Education, and Society

1801年,拿破仑和教皇庇护七世签订了协约, 在经历了这么多年的动荡之后,法国的生活在某种程度上恢复了正常. 然而,社会和教会的景观仍然荒凉. 从他在革命期间的旅行到被主教任命为圣. Peter’s Church in Ruillé-sur-Loir, Dujarié saw firsthand the parochial, pastoral and educational needs of the people. Responding to this situation, in 1806 he gathered a group of women, known today as the Sisters of Providence, and in 1820 a group of young men, the Brothers of St. 约瑟夫,提供天主教教育,作为教会和社会再生的来源.

Appointing the Ideal Successor

In 1835, acknowledging his own infirmities after years of travel, sleeping in barns, and ministering in the countryside, 神父dujari认为是时候交出圣·路德·金兄弟会的领导权了. Joseph to an administrative leader who shared his vision. In 1837, Dujarié and the Brothers of St. 若瑟与勒芒教区的辅理神父签署了一份文件, France, 由巴兹尔-安东尼·莫罗神父指导. Known as the “Fundamental Act of Union,这是两个团体最终在圣克罗伊镇(圣十字)集会的奠基石。, hence the name Congregation of Holy Cross. 巴兹尔·莫罗受过良好教育,热情且人脉广. 他敏锐的管理技巧和个人魅力使他成为继承他的朋友和导师所建立的遗产的合适人选, Father Jacques Dujarié.

Creating a Legacy of Doing Good

尽管关于dujari神父所作的许多重要贡献的书面记录相对较少, 保存下来的资料足以使人对他非凡的人格和品格产生看法. 这些特点继续反映在圣十字会的工作和事工以及他们管理和赞助的所有教育机构中.  

首先也是最重要的是,杜雅里瓦神父是一个有一颗仆人之心的人,很像圣. Joseph. Brother Joseph Santo, CSC, writes, “他的慈善是如此根深蒂固,以至于渗透到他的一言一行中. 无论是敌是友,见到他的人都能一眼看出他的善良.”**

“As a priest I will try to be the consolation of widows, the father of orphans, the support of the poor and the friend of the suffering.”

Jacques-Francois Dujarié, CSC

杜贾里瓦伊也是一个勇敢、耐心和正义的人,他不知疲倦地行动. 他看到了无知和无宗教信仰所造成的破坏,于是他开始做出改变. 他相信上帝对他和圣. 约瑟会通过他们谦卑的榜样和对上帝旨意的信任而得到满足.

In St. Peter’s Church where Dujarié served as pastor, a plaque commemorates his heroic leadership, 最后用圣经对他的生活和工作的一句话总结, “He went about doing good.如此简单的一句话却成就了如此广泛的成就(Giallanza, 2017).

Honoring an Inspired Life

In looking at the 200-year legacy, 圣十字兄弟家族的延续和成长, priests, sisters, 以及非专业教育工作者——向雅克·杜雅里奥的一生致敬是至关重要的, 一位朴实的乡村牧师,致力于通过教育和服务来消除无知和痛苦的大山. His legacy is indeed imposing, 它提供了一个独特的洞察毅力和信念的力量. 

在2021年,请加入圣十字的兄弟和教职员工,校友和圣十字的朋友. Edward’s University as we continue to celebrate the contributions 这是由杜贾瑞格神父和圣十字的早期成员约瑟兄弟制作的. St. 爱德华家族致力于在未来200年甚至更久的时间里延续他们的传统.


*《365比分网电竞》(2017),Joel Giallanza兄弟,CSC 

“As a priest I will try to be the consolation of widows, the father of orphans, the support of the poor and the friend of the suffering.”
Jacques-Francois Dujarié, CSC