Digital Marketing

Program Snapshot
Program Type
Marketing, Operations and Analytics

Meet the Rising Demand for Digital Marketing Professionals 

With a minor in Digital Marketing, 您将准备好并能够使用最新的数字营销技术-并获得行业认可的认证来证明这一点.

It’s estimated that within the next few years, 超过70%的营销支出将用于数字营销. 在当今的数字时代,数字营销影响着经济的每一个部门.  The Digital Marketing minor strengthens any major you pursue, 帮助您有效地接触和沟通与公司一致的目标受众, cause or endeavor you care about.  

You’ll be prepared to take on multiple marketing roles, such as marketing manager, digital marketing specialist, social media manager, content marketer, email marketing specialist or SEO specialist. 

What will you learn?

In the Digital Marketing minor, you’ll learn core marketing principles, plus skills specific to the digital world, like content creation, social media marketing, 网页设计, 分析, search engine optimization and more.

你的课程将直接转化为营销工作的要求——你甚至会承担一些项目,比如为现实生活中的客户创建一个社交媒体营销计划, 为公司或非营利组织策划和运营付费搜索活动.

你还将有机会获得雇主青睐的营销技术认证,比如Hootsuite, HubSpot Inbound, 谷歌广告, Google Analytics, Marketo and Salesforce. When you graduate, 您将获得帮助任何组织分享其信息和衡量其影响的实践经验.

What do our graduates do?

Digital Marketing graduates from St. 爱德华的 go on to a variety of careers. Here’s a sample:

  • Data Media Specialist at Optimal, 奥斯汀一家专门为消费者提供数字广告解决方案的公司, entertainment, 医疗保健 & public affairs
  • 总部设在纽约的媒体机构地平线媒体的媒体策划
  • Account Manager at GSD&M, a full-service agency headquartered in Austin
  • AMD的项目经理,一家位于奥斯汀的半导体制造商
  • 奥斯汀数字营销机构Adlucent的数字营销专家
  • EBQ的市场专家,一个外包销售和市场组织在奥斯汀
  • Promotions Coordinator for Toyota Music Company
  • Director of Product Management at Blucora
  • Account Manager Specialist for Gartner

Explore More Details 关于 the Digital Marketing 小

With courses in Social Media Marketing, Marketing 研究 and Digital Marketing, 辅修数字营销专业的毕业生进入职场后,将能够理解和使用最新的数字营销技术. 课程强调体验式学习和基于项目的作业.  In the Marketing 研究 course, students perform real-world marketing research for a client, 社交媒体营销课程的学生为现实生活中的客户制定社交媒体营销计划.

Required Courses:

  • Principles of Marketing – MKTG 2301
  • Business Statistics – BUSI 2305
  • Marketing 研究 – MKTG 3343
  • Digital Marketing and Analytics – MKTG 4342
  • Marketing Metrics and Analytics – MKTG 4344
  • Social Media Marketing – MKTG 3335

Electives (Choose 1):

  • Sales and Relationship Management – MKTG 3332
  • Principles of Retailing and E-commerce – MKTG 3333
  • Buyer Behavior – MKTG 3336
  • Visual Communication – COMM 2305
  • Video Production and Editing – COMM 2359
  • Document Design – ENGW 2329
  • 互动媒体制作和设计(Photoshop) - JOUR 2314 
  • Interactive Technology I – BDMM 3344
  • Digital Media and the Law – BDMM 4330 

Total Hours: 21

For more details and course descriptions, view and download the Undergraduate Bulletin (PDF)

数字营销辅修专业的学生有很多机会参与奥斯汀的科技社区, 与市场营销专业的学生建立联系,并获得创建数字活动的直接经验. 这些课外活动有助于增强你的人格,拓展你的人际网络. You’ll work to create social media plans for local companies, and you’ll plan, 为他们选择的公司或非营利组织实施和衡量付费搜索活动.

Student Organizations

山顶美国市场营销协会(AMA)都鼓励所有St. 爱德华的 University. The Hilltop AMA hosts panels, 演讲和社交活动有助于弥合学生生活和职业生活之间的差距. Check out the many student organizations recommended by The Bill Munday 学校 of Business. 

National Conferences

Students can apply to attend national marketing conferences, where they can explore career options, hear from experts in the field, 参加演讲,与有相似兴趣的学生和专业人士见面. National Conferences

学生也可以申请参加全国营销会议, where they can explore career options, hear from experts in the field, 参加演讲,与有相似兴趣的学生和专业人士见面.  例如, 来自Hilltop美国营销协会小组的学生参加了在新奥尔良举行的美国营销协会第40届年度国际大学会议.

每年夏天, Marketing EDGE在纽约举办了一场大学生峰会,让大学生获得行业洞察力,发现数据驱动和互动营销职业. 几个圣. 爱德华的 University students apply and attend this conference, often with the support of faculty-offered scholarships.

Distinguished Marketer Speaker Series

市场营销和创业部门每年秋季和春季都会举办一次杰出的市场营销专业人士,就该领域的相关主题分享见解. In fall 2018, the department will host Jeff Miner, brand strategist at Google’s BrandLabs in New York City, for a discussion on “Marketing in the Age of Distraction,,还有一位来自直销教育基金会的专业人士,他将发表题为“为社会正义动员你的销售力量”的演讲.”

每年夏天, Marketing EDGE在纽约举办了一场大学生峰会,让大学生获得行业洞察力,发现数据驱动和互动营销职业. 几个圣. 爱德华的 University students apply and attend this conference, often with the support of faculty-offered scholarships.

我们的教师将数字营销专业知识和丰富的行业经验带到课堂上. 他们热衷于联系和培养终身学习者, 许多学校与商业社区和专业组织有联系,学生在寻求实习或全职工作时可以利用这些组织. 以下是他们对学生在学位计划中增加数字营销副修课程的看法:

– Debra Zahay-Blatz博士他是市场营销学教授兼市场营销与创业系主任

“我教授的课程侧重于开发网页设计和Adobe Creative Suite方面的动手技能, 以及最新客户关系管理工具的认证."
– 朱莉詹姆斯博士, Assistant Professor of Marketing

“我们分析学的目标是帮助学生理解市场营销的数学方面, 不仅仅是在统计应用和网络分析方面, but also other marketing metrics."
Wes Pollitte博士, Assistant Professor of Marketing

"In our social media marketing classes, 我们的目标是为学生提供主要社交媒体平台的实践知识,用于个人品牌,并帮助非营利和营利性公司制定战略."
 Monica Hernandez博士, Associate Professor of Marketing